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vuitton handbags / Purses / Bags outlet from china Free Shipping,high quality Plight Of The Planet By negligently discarding plastic items, especially plastic waterbottles, fishing gear and plastic bags, people are unknowingly causingthe deaths of millions of mammals, fish, birds and reptiles each andevery year. We defile the face of the earth with plastic refusecreating waterway contamination.Since the invention of plastic earlier this century, it has become apopular material used in a wide variety of unique and innovativeapplications. Plastic is used to make, or wrap around, many of theitems we buy or use. The problem comes when we no longer want theseitems and how we dispose of them, particularly the throwaway plasticmaterial used in wrapping or packaging. Plastic is handy, lightweightand easily discarded. Too easily discarded.Plastics are utilized because they are easy and inexpensive tomanufacture, strong and durable. Regrettably these same usefulcharacteristics make plastic an overwhelming pollution problem.Inferior quality and low cost means plastic is readily discarded.Plastics take around 300 years to photo degrade. Its long life assuresit survives in the environment for extended periods where it can dogreat harm. Because plastic does not easily decompose and requires highenergy ultra-violet light to break down, the volume of plastic waste inthe world锟絪 oceans is steadily increasing. Plastic is now found invirtually all the oceans and rivers of the world, even the most remoteand once pristine.American oceanographer Charles Moore reports the volume of plasticpollution in the worlds oceans is so extensive it锟絪 beyond cleaning up.A toxic plastic mass of refuse double the size of Texas swirls in thewaters of the Pacific Ocean between San Francisco and Hawaii. There thecrew found that the water contained six parts of plastic for every partplankton, with a five fold increase in the amount of plastic between1997 and 2007.Annually approximately 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide.That is an unconscionable amount of waste, so much that more than onemillion bags are used every minute and their impact on the planet isdevastating. Plastic bags are only part of the problem. America alone,produces in excess of 800,000 tons of plastic bottle wholesale Cheap 1:1 replica Louis vuitton handbags / Purses / Bags outlet from china Free Shipping,high AAA+ quality pollution everyyear, and the amount is growing. World-wide our precious planet isdefaced and poisoned with more than 100 replica louis vuitton handbags outlet million tons of plasticpollution annually.According to the California Coastal Commission, over 80 per cent ofrefuse within waterways, most of it being plastic, originates on landrather than coming from boats.Fish, shellfish, sea birds and all other forms of aquatic liferequire a delicate balance of oxygen, nutrients and clean water tosurvive. Even small quantities of toxic products in the wholesale Cheap 1:1 replica Louis vuitton handbags / Purses / Bags outlet from china Free Shipping,high quality water candisrupt this balance, with long-lasting effects. Plastic pollutionaffects marine wildlife in deadly ways: entangling creatures and bybeing consumed.Turtles are particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution. All sevenof the world's turtle species are already endangered or threatened fora multitude of reasons. Turtles become entangled in fishing nets, andmany sea turtles have been found dead with plastic garbage bags intheir stomachs. Studies indicate turtles mistake these floatingsemi-transparent bags for jellyfish and eat them. The turtles die aninhumane death from choking or from being unable to eat. A turtlecarcass found off the coast Hawaii had more than 1000 pieces of plasticin its stomach including part a toy truck wheel, a broken comb and lankof nylon rope.There is great environmental concern about the effect of plastictrash on all marine mammals. These elegant creatures are already underthreat for a variety of other reasons. Seal and whale populations cheap louis vuitton handbags outlet havebeen decimated by unregulated hunting. A recent study concluded that inexcess of 100,000 marine mammals die needlessly each year from thelethal effects of plastic pollution alone.Worldwide over 100 bird species are known to ingest plasticparticles. This includes more than 35 species located off the coast ofSouth Africa. A recent study of blue petrel hatchlings at SouthAfrica's remote Marion Island showed that 90 per cent of the babychicks examined had plastic in their digestive systems, apparently fedto them accidentally by their parents. South Africa seabirds are thehighest affected seabird population in the world. Plastics remain inthe bird锟絪 digestive systems, impeding digestion and causing starvation.Scientific studies are not conclusive about how much plastic birdsand fish are ingesting, however scientist agree that plastic toxins inseafood are likely to be harmful when eaten by humans. Plastic iscompared with toxic materials such as mercury.Plastic acts like an absorbent sponge when in contact with poisonssuch as PCBs, concentrating them at levels that are millions of timemore toxic than those found in uncontaminated in seawater.The ingredients in plastic have been linked to cancer andreproductive abnormalities. Bisphenol A, found in plastic waterbottles, has been shown to produce cancer in lab rats, to disrupthormone levels and is associated with diabetes and obesity.Scientists also voice concerns that these massive swirls of floatingplastic could contribute to global warming by creating a dense shadecanopy that makes it difficult for plankton to grow.Let锟絪 look at a few ways where 锟絋ogether We Can Make A Difference?The crisis of plastic pollution demands urgent study and action.Business should be encouraged to reduce the amount of plastic used inpackaging and to re-cycle.Plastic wrapping and bags should be required to carry a warninglabel advising of the dangers of plastic pollution and shoppers shouldbe encouraged to use earth friendly shopping bags of organic, naturalmaterials or recycled plastic fibers. Please tell this to our lawmakers. The situation only continues to worsen. We must act now!Support re-cycling programs and promote environmental awareness inyour local community. Be pro-active in asking governments to makechanges and consumers to re-think their attitudes. Set an example toyour family, friends, fellow workers and neighbors. Volunteer forneighborhood clean replica louis vuitton handbags outlet up projects, be involved.Purchase products that minimize the amount cheap louis vuitton handbags outlet of plastic packaging andinform store management why you are doing so. Together we can speakwith a loud voice when we speak with our dollars.Choose to drink tap or carbon filtered water from a glass linedreusable container. If you do purchase plastic bottles, dispose of thecontainer properly. Please recycle.With the increase in environmental awareness, it has become obviousthat there is more that we can do to create a sustainable society. Ifeveryone of us would take a few tiny steps, make a few differentchoices and consciously consider our impact on the planet, there mightbe a way to restore the world to its original beauty and resources."We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children". ~ Native American Proverb wholesale Cheap 1:1 replica Louis vuitton handbags / Purses / Bags outlet from china Free Shipping
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